Club 4X4 Claims Review – Emily Manenti

Emily recently had to use off-road Recovery Cover when they got bogged in very thick mud and were unable to self-recover. These are her words on the experience.

Club 4X4 Reviews
May 13 2021
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We recently went on a camping and 4×4 adventure and we were not expecting to get stuck like we did but thank gosh we have club 4×4 insurance. We have all the equipment to get us out and have done on many times, this time though the river mud got us stuck like quick sand. Using another vehicle just wasn’t an option as we would have got both stuck.

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I rang in a panic and all team who I spoke to were SO HELPFUL and not once was money or cost talked about, it was purely about making sure we were OK the vehicle was OK and we were safe. I had the tow truck driver on the phone within 15mins of claim being raised and we were out of our really bad situation by 7pm that night.

Even the call the next morning to ensure we were all ok was absolutely amazing and I want to call out , Hayden Vandermeer who was amazing keeping me calm and ensuring me everything would be ok, and then my case Manager Christian who did the follow up call.
You just never know when you need help and you guys got me help ( in the middle of nowhere and on dirt tracks at Copeton Dam).

Thank you

Club 4X4 Reviews