
Improving Men’s Mental Health

Corporate Social Responsibility has always been important to us as a team at Club 4X4, giving back is a critical part of being part of the broader community. Over the years, we’ve supported a number …

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Club 4X4 Insurance
Feb 10 2021

Feb 10 2021

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Corporate Social Responsibility has always been important to us as a team at Club 4X4, giving back is a critical part of being part of the broader community. Over the years, we’ve supported a number of great causes, with most of them linking back somewhere to mental health.

I’m incredibly proud to share the result of our charitable work with the Rural Adversity Mental Health Program – a mental health amongst men in Rural communities. Funds put towards this project were raised as part of our inaugural Rigs and Rolls – Cars and Coffee for 4X4’s event, which we ran in February last year, with the support of 4WD NSW and ACT, and a number of 4X4 clubs, including the Toyota Landcruiser Club.

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Our Rigs’n’rolls event in Feb 2020 which rasied funds in support of the RAMHP, who have developed ‘You Got This Mate.’

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The support from the 4WD fraternity was fantastic – we hope to run more Rigs’n’Rolls events soon!

Club 4x4 Image is a resource that is available at no charge online, designed to help blokes help themselves, or each other, through mental fitness challenges. Anxiety and depression are such common challenges for all Australians, including men. The latter who as we all know, may at times take a solemn view to these sorts of issues; holding it all in and trying to power on, ignoring the struggle and anguish. This behaviour often leads to detrimental effects to broader life. This can include family, relationships, and work , leaving blokes feeling unlike themselves, unhappy and not at their peak. is a safe space where you can learn about some of these afflictions, understand that you’re not alone and even gain assistance. Personally, having experienced mental health challenges of my own, I found the website easy to absorb, logical and it helped me understand that the way I was feeling at the time was not unnormal. I wasn’t off the rails or “losing it” – I was just challenged and going through a patch of anxiety that is really common, but something that can be worked on.

Understanding that I wasn’t alone was such a big step and a great relief; accepting it for what it is then helped me take the next step; making positive change to my life which made my life more enriching and generally happy. I felt the person I always was, the person I wanted to be. It was definitely not easy and it’s something I’ll likely work on ongoing, but there’s a saying that I live by now “choose your hard” – dealing with mental fitness is hard, helping yourself through it is hard too – but the outcomes are distinctly different.

I encourage you, if you don’t feel right, speak up. Talk to a mate, talk to a professional, got to the website and realise it’s OK. It’s such an important first step.

Stay tuned, we are looking to reinstate our Rigs and Rolls event shortly and look forward to making greater contributions to our community

Happy Touring,


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