
Club 4X4 Sponsorship – Hope Street Drive To The Top

Over the last month or two, we launched our Corporate Social Responsibility program as a way to start giving back to a community that has already given us so much. When we were talking to …

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Club 4X4 Insurance
Feb 14 2017

Feb 14 2017

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Over the last month or two, we launched our Corporate Social Responsibility program as a way to start giving back to a community that has already given us so much.

When we were talking to various Charity’s we were struck by Hope Street’s annual charity event; Drive To The Top. It was formerly a long distance bike ride called Ride To The Top, this special bike riding event has taken place over the last 23 years. This year, the event gives participants an opportunity to ride, drive or hike around Mount Kosciusko! You can see why we were so excited about becoming involved.

Club 4X4 is proudly sponsoring this exciting event, as well as sending a team member in our MobileHQGU to go on the trek.

So who are Hope Street?

HopeStreet, a subsidiary of BaptistCare is one of the longest serving not-for-profit organisations in inner city Sydney. They are committed to bringing hope, support and change to people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and marginalisation, in the inner City of Sydney. Everyday HopeStreet assists people in need or at risk; often experiencing homelessness, addiction, mental health and/or legal issues, as well as having diminished employment issues.

So what’s the Drive To The Top

A group of fourby’s driving up and around Mt Kosciusko, while experiencing life as one of Hope Street’s targeted individuals would. Living in the swags provided to these individuals and living off the same ration packs, all while raising money for this amazing charity.

How can i contribute?

This year the bar has been set high and with your help we can raise a combined target of $100,000.

Club 4X4 is not only sponsoring this great event, we are also sending our General Manager Kalen on the trip to not only hit the dirt and drive up the tallest mountain in Australia, but to also experience what the most underprivileged of Australian go through, by sleeping in the same conditions and eating the rations kindly provided by Hope Street.

To contribute to the cause, see his fundraising page here every amount counts, so please contribute all you can.

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Club 4X4 Insurance